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Outages, newspaper changes, and more

12 June 2024

Site outages

Many users may have noticed that Gateway has been largely unavailable for the past week or two. We have been fighting a server attack that has caused significant disruption. We hope that things are under control now, but we are monitoring and still working on some fixes. These types of attacks are becoming increasingly common (the Internet Archive was also affected recently) and are a major problem with websites of all types. Thanks for your patience!


We are in the process of removing our digitized copies of the Greensboro Patriot and related newspapers. This material is now freely available via, and hundreds of other North Carolina community papers are also available there, along with an astounding amount of other local history content including YearbooksMemorabiliaImagesCity DirectoriesAudiovisual and more.

March for Justice

March for Justice, a collaborative project between UNC Greensboro and Bennett College to make available online over 100,000 pages of material relating to the 1979 Greensboro Massacre, is almost complete. Digitization has been in progress for over a year and we are adding final items, additional item descriptions, and contextual essays. This project is funded via the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act and administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-253645-OLS-23). 

Conversations in Black

We continue to add new material to Conversations in Black: African American History and Heritage, Greensboro, N.C., a collaborative community-based project documenting African American history in Greensboro centering on the southeastern neighborhoods of the city. The project includes material digitized as part of a National Register application and community engagement process and will eventually include links to oral history interviews conducted as part of the project as well.